paypal eBook prosper noah

How to Set Up and Receive Payments with PayPal in Nigeria 2024

If you have a PayPal account that doesn’t receive payments here in Nigeria, and you want to discover one Little Secret to create a PayPal account that will receive payments and let you even withdraw straight to your bank account, then this is the best page you will visit this Year 2024.

If you read this short paypal nigeria post till the end,

you will discover;

  1. One: a silly mistake you are making right now, without even knowing it that is actually preventing your PayPal account from receiving payments from abroad
  2. Two: a totally LITTLE known strategy you can use to create a working PayPal account that will receive payments from anywhere in the world without even adding your debit MasterCard or verifying anything.
  3. Three: The 2 Hidden techniques you can use to transfer that PayPal payments you received, straight to your bank account within 24 hours and get alert without struggling for currency exchangers or whatever.

And to prove to you how powerful this is, I’m going to tell you a little story.

Few weeks ago, I took the same thing you are about to discover, showed it a friend of mine, Moss Clement (the guy in the picture below).


And in under 48 hours, he created an account and received payments, withdrawn to bank account here in Nigeria. See Chat Screenshots Below:

moss clement

This is how powerful this is, and in a few seconds, I will show you exactly how to create your own payment receiving PayPal account here in Nigeria.

But before I get into all that, if you are new here, it’s fair I tell you who I am, and exactly why you need to take the things am about to reveal to you very seriously;

My name is Prosper Noah and I own this make money online blog you’re reading right now.

When I started on the Internet back then in 2016, I looked for several ways to make money and came across some online surveys, get paid to view advert websites, watch videos, get paid to click sites and earn to PayPal etc..

You should understand these stuffs right?

After wasting a whole lot of time on those surveys, being a Nigerian I wasn’t able to receive the payments to my PayPal account and most of the sites were SCAM anyway.

But the issue of not being able to receive my paypal payment in Nigeria wasn’t cool for me at all.

I needed it badly.

Things became even More Worse.

When I got into full internet marketing 2 years later and I needed to receive my Payments from Affiliate Marketing Programs, CPA Networks, Payments from Abroad for Sponsored Adverts and lots more.

Still yet, since almost all foreign programs require PayPal to receive payments here in Nigeria, I became more confused and discouraged.

Imagine spending lots of time and energy making some legit dollars from these companies and at the end of the day, you have no means of withdrawing your money.

Bad market, ha ha.

No matter what I did, I couldn’t receive the payments and NOBODY could help.

See, Let me tell you the plain truth;

When your PayPal is the type that can’t receive payments, below is what the sender will always see whenever he wants to send payment to your account.

this person receives payment only on their website

There’s nothing you can do to the above.

I was exactly at this point you are right now.

Angry. Frustrated.

There has to be a way out, I would say to myself.

Guess what?

Then one day, almost by mistake, I discovered one thing that completely changed everything for me, created the account, received payment and even withdrew to my Bank Account here in Nigeria straight.

In a few seconds I will tell you everything about it.

But first, the amazing thing about this ONE Little Strategy I will tell you about in a bit is this: It works 100%.

In just few days using this stuff, I created my first payment receiving Pay Pal account in 2017. I took this same strategy, showed about 3 people and they followed my procedure, step by step created their PayPal account and started receiving payments as well.

See Screenshots of my PayPal account receiving payments back then in 2017.

payment received paypalThat’s not all.

I decided to create another brand new PayPal account in 2018 and below are screenshot of some payments received.

2018 2019 received paymentSee screenshot of the other 3 people who followed the procedure:

paypal proof 1

moss clement

proof 3

And Now, It’s Your Turn

I want to show you how I do this stuff and exactly how you can create a paypal account that will send and receive payments from all over the world yourself in few seconds.

Google is the reason why you can’t receive payments with your PayPal.

Are you surprised?

Well, I know you are.

Let’s put all blames on Google.

The real reason why your PayPal account can’t send and receive payments is because there are lots of websites on google giving one advice or the other showing you how it is done.

Both the ones that do not even know what they are saying oo, imagine.

And at the end of everything, after following the tutorial, you discover it still doesn’t work.

I discovered lots of articles on google will advice you to create an account with VPN and before you know it, after creating the account, within 5 minutes you login, the paypal account gets blocked.

You think it’s a lie?

I got one of my paypal account blocked after using VPN by following some posts on google.

Till today I have about $50 stuck in that account, there’s nothing I can do.

See Screenshot below:

unusual activity limitations

account blocked we can't log you in

That account is gone.

So you see?

When you get too much information while searching and none works, you get confused and give up.

So what actually works?

If you are really serious about creating or opening a paypal account that can send and receive payments, then the best thing to do right now is to follow my procedures.

They are simple:

  • I give you the easy to follow instructions
  • You create the PayPal Account with your Android Smartphone following my instructions
  • No need for any VPN or changing of IP and
  • You can login from any where of your choice.
  • Within 5 Minutes you can start receiving payments (Guaranteed)

So here is a question for you:

Would you like to get my PayPal Nigeria Strategy on how to open a paypal account in nigeria that sends and also receive?

Great Decision.

I have created a step by step guide in form of an eBook and even Video Tutorial that will show you exactly how to create this paypal account and start receiving payments.

Even if you are a beginner on the internet, all you have to do is just have access to the Internet on your phone.

You don’t need to buy any other thing after you get the eBook.

Some people are funny really haha… they give you something and in that same something you are still expected to spend to get it working.

It is not so in this case.

As soon as you get the PayPal Package, you just follow the instructions in the eBook or Video Tutorial and get your PayPal account setup and working within 5 or less than 5 minutes.

And No, I won’t give you this for free.

If you don’t like it, go and hit your head on the wall.

If I happen to just share this secret for free, people will take advantage and it will only cause more headache for me and you.

People don’t value free things.

So am going to charge you so that you know the real value of it. If you want to resell it and make your money back, no problems about that.

First, If am to charge you much, then this eBook would be going for around N20,000 per Copy But I won’t do that.

I understand the situation of the country in Nigeria and for that I will take only N5000

I can easily sell this eBook for about N20,000,  N30,000 because I already spent so much money and time in developing it.

However, I won’t charge you for that price. In fact, I won’t charge you even N7,000 (which is less then a half of the total value).

You only need to pay N5000 if you act fast. Because I will increase the price very soon.

and no amount of pleading will do.

==> Follow below to Get the PayPal Package?

Act fast while this page is still up.

You can make payments via your ATM card or direct bank deposits.

NOTE: This paypal creation that sends and receive in Nigeria method is still working in 2024, I mean its working till date…forget about the time I wrote the post…. so you can order right away without doubts.

Just make a transfer to my bank account straight away:

Prosper Noah

When you have made the payment, send your proof to my email: and I will forward the eBook to your email immediately.

The aim is not to learn how to open a paypal account in nigeria but how to actually open one that will send and also receive payments.

Below is a video of me receiving payment via my PayPal account

How to withdraw from paypal in nigeria 2024 after getting my eBook

If you buy the eBook and have created your PayPal account that sends and receives, you may be asking “so, Prosper how do I receive the payment to my bank account”

Well, It’s very simple and there are two ways to do it:

  1. You can sell the funds to exchangers:

Exchangers here means when you receive any money to your paypal account, you send the funds to people who need paypal funds and they will send the naira equivalent to your Bank account immediately.

2. Or you can signup for this site called, there you register and fund the account with your paypal funds and you request payment and they will send your money to your bank account within 24 hours.

Very simple.

How to receive money through paypal in nigeria upon Signup.

All you need to do is just give your paypal email to anyone that wants to send you payments. They will send it to you.

Don’t worry, as soon as you get my PayPal eBook, you can call me and I explain things to you as well.

You can make payments via your ATM card or direct bank deposits.

NOTE: As said earlier on, this paypal creation that sends and receive in Nigeria method is still working in 2024, I mean its working till date…forget about the time I wrote the post…. so you can order right away without doubts.

Make your payment to my account below:


or if you want to pay online with your ATM card, you can click here to order.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a digital product. You will receive access to the eBook immediately after you order – even if it’s 2am!

If you have your PayPal account setup, you may want to learn how to make money straight to your paypal.

Here it is below;

How to Make Money to PayPal Account in Nigeria

There’s really no use having a paypal account and not making money to it.

Below are 3 ways am currently making money into my paypal account.

1. Freelancing

I have been using paypal for freelance work.

One best make money online opportunity that sends money straight to my paypal account is through freelancing.

Have you ever heard of

If you haven’t then you are in luck today. It’s a job site where you actually list the things you can do and people hire you for it.

Below are my payments from

paypal nigeria

As you can see above, those payments are from fiverr.

Am Selling my Skills or Making Money with what I Love.

Yes, there are a whole lot of people online who needs to get things done as soon as possible and need your skills to enable them finish their task.

On sites like, you can sell those skills, put up that you can do one thing or the other you love and people hire to work and you get paid.

Very Simple.

If I have Graphics Design skills, I can sell them on a site like fiverr and get paid when anyone hires me. You can create logos for people and get paid like the guy in the picture below.

logo design fiverr

This is one way I make money online and get paid to my paypal in nigeria. You can take a look at and see lots of things you can do and skills you can as well offer there and make money as a teenager.

A Quick Snap of my Fiverr Account: That is me getting paid for doing what I Love and using my Skills.


Above is just to show you that you can get paid for the skills you have within you, start small and start something.

Learn a Skill, Sell the Skills, Make Money Over and Over Again straight to your PayPal.

You may checkout for what people are doing and create an account, its free. Start up something as well.

You get paid to your paypal account.

Below is another way to earn in to your paypal.

2. Affiliate Marketing

I have explained affiliate marketing many times on this blog, you can head in to my affiliate marketing category.

The way affiliate marketing works goes like this:

  • You find another seller’s product
  • You sell the product for him
  • You get commission

It’s one easy way to make money online and many affiliate programs pay directly to your PayPal account.

It’s also my all time best. If you are looking to start affiliate marketing and make a ton of money then I recommend you to take a step by step guide for beginners.

Take thesame course I took and making success. It’s one of the easiest course for a complete beginner to start and make money doing affiliate marketing.

I bought the course when it launched at around $10, but it should be $11-12 right now which I believe you can still grab. Because the price goes high any moment. >>Check it out here.<< Your investment of $11 will definitely pay itself.

You get the course, follow the method he shows you and apply them. Doing this can get you affiliate commissions while you wake every morning.

You actually setup everything and expect huge commissions on autopilot. Yes, you earn over and over again for your hardwork.

Just incase you don’t have enough budget to buy any course now then checkout this post on real and legit affiliate programs that pay into PayPal account straight.

Below is The third best way I make money straight to my PayPal.

3. Blogging Store

On my second blog, I once setup a store and integrated my PayPal acount, I had some of my courses and services setup on the blog.

People can order and pay for my services through the store and i get the money sent to my paypal account.

With PayPal I can accept payments from usa customers as well as other countries.

Below is how my store looks like so you can confirm for yourself.

seo store

That’s it.

Those are 3 best ways to make money into your PayPal Accout.

I think I like this video on youtube about making money with paypal (but I haven’t tried it though)


Following the eBook step by step, you will learn how to open a paypal account in nigeria easily and fast to start receiving your payments from companies, friends, earning programs, etc.

Have any questions about this verified paypal nigeria guide? Do drop them in the comment section.

If you go to right now, check very well, below terms are what people are typing into google everday.

  • paypal nigeria receive money – People asking or wanting to know if paypal nigeria have started receiving money or not.
  • paypal nigeria 2024- People who want to know if they can open a paypal account that can send and receive payment
  • paypal nigeria gtbank – Maybe some gtbank customers wanting to open paypal accounts
  • paypal nigeria limitations – I believe these are people interested in knowing if there are limitations and so on….

This is to show you that lots of people are really looking for this ultimate solution on how to create a working paypal account in nigeria 2024, make sure you share this post with them.

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18 thoughts on “How to Set Up and Receive Payments with PayPal in Nigeria 2024

  1. Hi Prosper,
    Can you create a Paypal account that send and receive payment for me?
    Please how much will it cost me.

  2. Hello pls I have already opened a PayPal account which I used to register for online book review,can u open a functional account with the same email address or do you have to open a new one& reregister for the online business?

    1. You have to use another email address, contact me on (Phone Number Removed)

  3. I have set up a PayPal account and have been told to confirm my email,which i did.But the person who wants to send me money says i need to confirm my PayPal account..What else can i do to receive money into my

    1. If it’s a Nigerian PayPal account, then for sure you can’t receive payments talkless of asking you to confirm your email address. or whatever.

      Your best bet is to get my eBook so you can set up one that sends and receive easily and fast!

  4. What if I have a paypal account linked with freelancer before can it still be turned to a nigerian account?

  5. PayPal is a good way to receive payment from foreign countries. I have my own PayPal account here in Nigeria and I use it to send and receive payments from any part of the country.

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