Step-by-Step Guide to Building an Email List for Affiliate Marketing

On this post today you are going to learn how to build an email list for affiliate marketing and earn lots of commissions promoting products.

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This post today is a continuation of my last post on how I made $180.44 with warriorplus in 19 days.

So if you are new, then I suggest you go check the post here before reading this.

If you’ve read the post already, then let’s get started on how to build an email list fast and effectively.

But before then;

What is List Building?

This is a way you actually collect the emails of people who are interested in a particular product you want to promote.

Best and usually referred to asemail marketing for affiliate marketers.

For example:

If I am an affiliate of warriorplus, jvzoo, etc and I want to promote a product that teaches people how to make money online, then I have to collect the emails of people who are interested in making money online.

It may range from 1 person to 100 or thousands of people.

This people are actually people who are interested or want to learn how to earn online.

So whenever I discover a good product that will help them make money online, I promote that product to them and when any of them buys the product, I earn commission

If I have a list of 50 subscribers in the MMO (Make Money Online) Niche and I see a product I Want to promote to them, all I just need to do is get my affiliate link, and send these 50 people and email.

In this email I may tell them what the product is all about and how they can make money with it.

and I put my affiliate link in the email message.

Whoever clicks on the link to buy the product, I earn commission

For example:

There was a product called Fiverrlicious that I love so much because it teaches people how to make money on fiverr without actually doing any of the work themselves.

This product was very good so I sent an email to about 75 subscribers in my list.

The next morning, I woke up to 3 sales.

Yea, 3 people bought Fiverrlicious and I earned commission of $8.01 each

That’s $24.03 and when converted to Naira, that’s N8,650 in just one email that I sent.

The screenshot below was the initial email I sent:

and this week as at the time of writing this post, 2 other people still purchased it and I earned another $16.02

So that’s it.

and I can keep promoting other products to that list and yep, they gonna buy and make me commissions for life.

So you see?

Building a list is one best way to make money with affiliate marketing.

So let’s get started

How to build an Email List for Affiliate Marketing in 2019

Step 1: Choose a Niche

Before you build a list, you want to know which products you will be promoting

So if you are going to be promoting health products, then you can build a list for that.

If you are going to be promoting internet marketing or MMO (Make Money Online) products, then you have to build a separate list for that.

You can’t combine Health and MMO together and start promoting different products to them

For this tutorial, I want to focus mainly on the internet marketing niche also known as the make money online niche

That’s the most popular niche because people are looking for ways to make money online everyday and since I will be using warriorplus, its going to be internet marketing for sure.

Warrior Plus deals mainly with Internet marketing products.

So let’s say you’ve decided to go with Internet Marketing Niche.

You will be building a list of people who want to make money online.

2. Signup for an Email Marketing Tool also known as Autoresponder

The second step is to signup with an autoresponder or email marketing tool.

This is the tool that will be storing the emails, enable you to send them emails whenever you want etc.

What is the best Email Marketing tool?

There are lots of them but getresponse is what I use.

Click here to register for getresponse, they will give you 30 days free trial of up to 1000 subscribers.

After the 30 days free trial, you will have to pay every month, depending on the list size, if you have up to 1000 subscribers or less, then you will be paying $15 every month.

If you have more than that, then you will pay more, because there is high chance you will be making more money from your list. everything is on their pricing page.

I personally pay $49 every month as my subscribers have crossed 1000, going to 2000+ soon.

Click here to get free 30 days trial of getresponse

When you signup to getresponse, just create a list and you’re ready.

The next thing is is to create a Page where you can collect people’s email.

That kind of page is usually called a squeeze page or Optin Page.

Something like below:

Just a headline and a field where you can collect emails.

The page above as you can see is very attractive and people will easily put in their email, and the Page Builder I use for that is Optimizepress.

I bought that page builder at $97 one time fee to use on 3 sites that I own.

It’s the best page builder but if you can’t afford that for now, you can use the built in Landing Page builder in getresponse, its free.

But i must warn you, if you really must succeed in affiliate marketing, then you need to get the tools I use and recommend.

So when you have your page built up and ready to start getting leads (emails) you are almost done.

and ready for the most important aspect of this tutorial which is driving traffic to your squeeze page to collect emails of people who are interested in the product you gonna promote.

Since the niche is make money online, we are going to target people who are interested in making money online.

So in summary you are going to build a list of MMO subscribers.

How to Get Subscribers to Your List and Make Money

Now the gold mine is to get subscribers to your list.

If you build a list and no one is in that list then who are you going to promote the products to?

So right now you are going to start driving traffic to build your email list.

and there are different ways to build your email list

  • You can build your email list on Facebook
  • You can use YouTube for list building
  • Solo Ads
  • Bing Ads
  • Google Ads

Which is the most effective method to build your list?

I’ve used a lot of this but I want to say Solo Ads is one great way to do it.

Here is how Solo Ads work::

Solo Ads is a process of using someone’s list to build your own list.

You just send them a link to your squeeze page and they send an email to their list, those people will click and come to your page then subscribe to your list.

So you can start promoting products to them.

Below is a video I just made for you on how to create a list in getresponse and how to get warriorplus products to promote to that list.

>>Register for getresponse here<<

The main thing right now is for you to drive traffic to your squeeze or optin page and get subscribers to promote products to and earn commission.

In the upcoming posts I will be sharing a lot of strategies on how to actually drive traffic to get more suscribers using sources like Bing Ads, Google Ads, Facebook, etc.

So stay in touch and leave your comments here just in case you need any help or have questions.

This is how to build an email list for affiliate marketing in 2019 to earn commissions easily.

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19 thoughts on “Step-by-Step Guide to Building an Email List for Affiliate Marketing

  1. Wow this is so lovely.
    Pls does someone need to have a website before this can work for him?

  2. Yes, if you really plan on making money with affiliate marketing, then you’d definitely need a website for creating your landing pages.

    1. Landing pages?
      You mentioned earlier squeeze pages. A person must have a squeeze page to build an email list. What’s the different between squeeze and landing page?

      1. Landing Page is the general name for all of them.
        Whatever page a visitor lands is a landing page.
        Watch my free training videos, there’s step by step tutorial how to create your squeeze page etc..

  3. Thanks. I have learnt so much from you…
    Am still new to affiliate marketing but I have registered in jvzoo and gotten a great product approved

    But am still confused the different between
    Landing page
    Squeeze page and
    Sales funnel
    Please can u clear me so I can understand more

    More grace to u bro

  4. Nice Work, Bro. Your content is easy to apply. I have been trying to build a website through and wordpress. It has not been easy. Can you refer to me to an easy site builder or someone who is not too expensive.

  5. Thanks, I have found your instructions helpful.

    I want to know if I must own a website/blog before I can build “email list?”

    1. It’s ideal to have those, as you may be needing it for other things if you plan to go far in affiliate marketing.
      All the best!

  6. Good day Mr prosper.

    What more can I say. I have always loved your blog.

    Remember from when MMM and it’s brothers were trending till now, you’ve always posted valuable contents.

    More grease to your elbows.
    Just wish I had the strength and patience required for blogging.

    That’s by the way Sha.

    I’m into information Marketing.

    I actually sell my own products online and I use get response for my email marketing.

    I want to start affiliate marketing and I’ll love you to be my mentor.

    I know nothing came Mrs free and I’ll have to pay but that’s not an issue

    Just let me know what you think.


  7. Educative post on list building.

    I have a question..

    Are HEALTH & WELLNESS Products available on WarriorPlus to promote?

    Or is it only internet marketing products?

    I’ll be awaiting your response.


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