A Guide to Earning Online in Nigeria

In this post am going to show you a company that’s been up since 3 years and with the help of this company you can actually invest money online and earn earn dollars daily in nigeria and this is 100% legit.

A lot of my subscribers do not like stress, they ask me almost all the time if there is a way to make their money work for them, without actually needing to do any further work and stuff…

Like if they are already earning from their jobs or online business, how can they actually multiply their earnings? What investment company is legit that they can put in money and earn daily online right here in Nigeria.

I’ve been skipping this particular question for a long time and you know why?

It’s not because I didn’t want to answer them but because I have not been able to actually find one solid one to recommend, and I wouldn’t want to recommend something related to MMM.

God forbid.

But not anymore.

You may be asking: “what do you mean by not anymore, Prosper?”


Yes, not anymore.

Guess what?

I have found a very solid legit platform for you to invest and earn daily profit in Nigeria and I’m proud to recommend this.

I just got off a 30 minutes zoom call/meeting with a very good friend of mine, Godfrey who’s been into the platform for 1 year and some months (started in March 2020)

He showed me his dashboard and explained everything and I have done my own research as well, and honestly this is bam! like real good.

He’s withdrawn countless times.

This is recent earnings below;


Take a look at the recent payment in June:

Over Half A Million Naira ($1491) in May 2021

Over 3 Million Naira in June


Look at his June daily earnings;

See April Earnings:

You see how this is dropping every single day.

More Earnings reports below;

Am showing you this to see how this dollars is coming everyday and it’s the same way when you join and start investing.

Other members on the platform are earning as well;

Like this one below who withdrew over 1.5 Million Naira when you convert it to Naira

And this one too;

Below is my own EarlyBtc account, on the Starter package.

My investment is $125 as you can see above.

and here is some interest credited already; feel free to zoom it

As said earlier on, this pours daily, lol.. and you can withdraw whenever you want.

I’ll let you know shortly exactly how it really works, the packages and how much you earn daily.

and the amazing thing is that, you can even withdraw your earnings anytime you want so it’s not like other platforms where you invest and then have to wait a whole year or month before withdrawing.

Nope please.

We don’t do that here.


You can’t wait already right?

Want me to quickly share the platform so you can get started as soon as possible, right?

I will shortly.

I’ll share everything with you, and even walk you through step by step how you can get started.

But before then, another very good stuff about the company is that they even hold trade calls for one of their packages and in that call what they do is that they inform you of a coin that’s going to make you good profits maybe within a month, within 5 months etc.

So they can tell you to buy that particular coin and hold for 1 or 5 months etc.. then take profit, remember; they are crypto experts. That’s another way to earn, and I personally have made lots of good profits just buying those kind of coins.

How do you get started?

NOTE: This is STRICTLY for those who are serious.

They’ve been running since 2018, about 3+ years now and have been paying.

About EarlyBtc

The company is called EarlyBTC

It’s an international asset management company in the financial markets with the goal of increasing capital. Portfolio managers and company managers have unique experience in the market, each team member has at least 7 years of experience. You will be amazed at the high quality of managing your funds, which is achieved. Thanks to a carefully structured investment process. The analytical team conducts a thorough fundamental and credit analysis of securities. The opportunities are opened for stable income in completely new distinctions.

That’s just a quick about us of the company, they are into crypto and it’s the main thing they use the money for, and you get paid your interest daily.

So let’s take a look at their investment packages and how much interest/profit you earn daily, after then I’ll show you how to get started investing with them.

Take a Look at the Packages Below and Percentage ROI daily

So you see above? Minimum investment is $10 and then you earn 0.42% every day continuously for 365 days (1 year) and you can withdraw anytime you want.

You can even see that this is not some kind of mmm stuff that pays you 100% in 24hours and stuff like that and then before you know it they run away with your money

  • In the starter package, you can invest minimum of $10 and maximum of $999 and earn 0.42% daily
  • In the moderate package, minimum investment is $1000 and maximum of $2,999 and earn 0.52% daily
  • While in the last package which is conservative, you invest minimum of $3000 and maximum of $100,000 earns you 0.60% daily and also it’s in the conservative package that you get to attend trade calls where they give you information on coins that you can buy and get good profits with a month or more.

you can join with and also withdraw your money to major crypto wallets anytime you want and they accept Bitcoin, Binance coin, Ripple and Tron.

How do you get Started Investing with EarlyBTC?

You have to be attentive here now.

Because am now showing you the real deal.

Something of importance you should know is that you can’t actually join this platform on your own, just like that.

Do you get what I’m saying?

what I mean is this; you can’t actually go to the website right now, maybe because you’ve learnt about the platform, you want to quickly sign up.

You can’t just go to the website and register an account and then you pay to activate your account when you do that they are going to refund you immediately.

That’s one of their rules, and that’s on their website as well.


You have to join through what is called an in-house member

So what this means is that somebody has to actually invite you into the platform and then when they’ve invited you, they’ll give you a slot pin to activate your account.

In other words; you have to come in through an in-house member, so someone has to bring you in, to join, you need to pay for slot to the inhouse member before you can come into the club then the inhouse member will give you slot pin to activate your account.

That is when you can start your investment.

As seen below;

how much does it take

Then you can start investing.

How Much is the Slot to Join?

Slot is $100 (N50,000) but because of me, you’ll be getting it for $50, equivalent to N25,000 right now if you act fast and that’s all it takes for you to join the club, and then once your account is activated immediately you can deposit BTC, or binance coin, or ripple and start investing.

Remember again, minimum investment is $10 so you can start from small, but the more your investment, the more your returns.

How to Register & Get Started.

You need to be really serious about this.

In order to get started;

Step 1:

You’ll need to register through an in-house member’s link:

Click Here to Register

Step 2:

After registering, you then need to make your payment to get Slot Pin..

===> Click Here to WhatsApp for Slot Pin

You can send me an email to prospernoah19@gmail.com

When you’ve gotten the ePin, then it’s time to activate your account

Step 3:

While logged in to your account, to activate your account, you need to click on Deposit and select ePin Recharge.

Enter the slot pin and click activate and you are done.

Step 4: Time to Invest.

Now you can deposit any amount to invest and note that, you can deposit in Bitcoin, or binance coin as seen below;

That’s it.

You can withdraw your earnings anytime and minimum withdrawal is $1.

Their daily interest is not so much but it makes a lot of sense to me and atleast it’s actually legit; you don’t have to do any work, just let your money work for you.

I hope this post helps you invest money online and earn daily in nigeria

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12 thoughts on “A Guide to Earning Online in Nigeria

  1. I read through your post…

    Does it mean after going through this process of registeration , I will start earning? How is the acommulation like.

    1. Yes.

      Please read thoroughly.

      I already answered this in the post.

      After you are done registering you can begin to invest.

      In the starter package, you can invest minimum of $10 and maximum of $999 and earn 0.42% daily

      In the moderate package, minimum investment is $1000 and maximum of $2,999 and earn 0.52% daily

      While in the last package which is conservative, you invest minimum of $3000 and maximum of $100,000 earns you 0.60% daily

  2. Wow prosper I love this article. Exactly what am searching for. am going to do my payment soon right away

  3. So I should pay for my slot pin of $50 and also pay to start Investing?

    1. Correct!

      Pay for your slot pin of $50…that will join you into the club.

      Then you can start investing with any amount you want.

    1. First, make sure you signup through the slot link in the post, then you can email me or whatsapp Godfrey to make payment for your slot pin.
      When that’s done you can start investing with any amount you want starting from $10

  4. Prosper Noah, I don’t need to question anything that comes from you. Unless you have decided to kill your reputation and paint your image black, which I don’t think is the best.
    Please, am happy for this post. But my little confusion is , now that am in Nigeria , which currency do I need to start investing with?.

  5. 1. D info is pretty convincing, but is der a need for a foreign domiciliary account to transfer d dollars into?
    2. Watz d commission fee for transferring into Nigeria bank?

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