Effective Methods for Using WhatsApp to Generate Income in Nigeria

Hey guys,

Today am going to show you how to make money on whatsapp in Nigeria focusing on the most recent case study of a guy who did over N200k in 21 days through whatsapp marketing.

All of this was done using his smart android phone and his whatsapp messenger.

Would you like to learn how he did this?

The method works 100%.

Meanwhile, the next voice you’ll hear from now is that of my friend Joe Okoro who’ll be teaching you how to make money on whatsapp in Nigeria using affiliate marketing and he even guarantee that you’ll make 100k minimum within the next 30 days if you implement the method you’ll be shown in this post.

Over to Joe Okoro


How to Make Money on WhatsApp in Nigeria using Affiliate Marketing (Step by Step)

In this training I’m going to show you a very brilliant way that you can make money online as an affiliate marketer using only your Whatsapp contacts.

This method was used by one of our affiliates to make over 200k in 21 days, and on the 40th day, he has already crossed the 400k mark.

He did all of this without paying a dime in any advertising costs. And the beautiful thing about this method is…

You can do it without…

  • Having your own product

  • Owning a website of your own

  • Spending anything in ads cost

This method I’m about to teach you is extremely effective, and that’s why I guarantee that you’ll make 100k minimum within the next 30 days if you implement it.

Many students who have access to this secret way of marketing have made 15k in 24 hours, others have made up to 100k within 10 days. That’s how powerful the method is.

And many people here today reading this post will do figures like 250k or 400k+ just like our smart affiliate did. First things first…

This method works on a Nigerian affiliate platform called: Expertnaire

Expertnaire has quality digital products from top performers in their fields, hence all the products sales pages are professionally written and proven to convert very well.

So you can leverage on this and make the maximum amount of money using the system I’m about to teach you.

So you’re going to be an affiliate of Expertnaire before you can make money with this system. And by the way, I’m also a very part-time affiliate on the Expertnaire Network.

See my Affiliate Account below…


How to make money on whatsapp in nigeria

Did you see that I have done almost N2million in sales doing affiliate marketing on a part time basis? You can also do the same if you so wish

The question is…

How do you sell affiliate products on the Expertnaire platform without spending a dime on advertising?

Here are the things you need to get ready before you can start…

  1. An Expertnaire Affiliate account
  2. Choose a HOT product to promote
  3. Clone the affiliate link of the product
  4. Use Whatsapp to start promoting the product.
  5. Follow up with your marketing

You may ask, why Whatsapp?

The reason is…

  • Whatsapp is a personal marketing platform

  • It’s very interactive

  • It’s best for one-on-one online chats

  • The open rate on Whatsapp is very high [As high as 85%]

  • People use Whatsapp more than Facebook

How to Market Using Whatsapp

To market on Whatsapp, there’s an underlying principle you must know before you can use these methods successfully.

You must give real value and truly care about people before this would work. This is the principle I have always shared in all my online coaching.

In other words, only send information that people on your whatsapp will find helpful before you can sell to them.

Here are the 5 Methods to Market Using Whatsapp

  1. 1-on-1 Chats

  2. Using Status Update

  3. Distribution Lists

  4. Friends’ Network

  5. Using Dedicated Groups

I’m going to explain only 2 methods of marketing from the above list, and also suggest a very powerful coaching program that will help you get the maximum results.

For those who take up the online training, I will give them a full training on how to utilize the powerful Whatsapp training that will give them a minimum of 100k or more within the next 30 days.

Method #1. 1-on-1 Chats

This is a personalized communication because you’re chatting with the person one to one. And it’s a very powerful method because it converts very well.

The only downside to this method, is that you spend more time chatting to get the sale. It pays better if you’re promoting a high ticket product, so that every sale you make using this method will be worth the effort.

I’m going to quote our guy [Sola Matthew] who used this method to make 400k in pure profit marketing this way.

Here’s an example for this very approach…

“Hello Mike, Its been a while I heard from you. I just thought of you now. How are you doing?”

When you send this message, wait for a response. Don’t rush to mention the product that you want them to buy.

If “Mike” replies that he’s fine, then you may ask him something like this…

“What are you up to this period, or how are you spending your time during COVID-19”

When he replies, it’s likely that he will ask you what you’re up to as well. And if he doesn’t ask, you can say something like this…

“As for me, Ive been under-going some work from home training and making some dough with a particular online platform”

This is where Mike’s curiosity will set in… He could ask you…

“What’s this all about, I want to know how to make some dough too”

Then send him the following…

Please, watch this video to the end. Let me know if you have any questions once done. [Insert Your Cloaked Affiliate Link]

The video will be offline soon.

In most cases, Mike will watch the video to the end.

If Mike says that he doesn’t have data to watch it, then tell him that he can’t do the business without watching the video to the end.

After watching the video, Mike may ask you,

“So how do I get started from here?

Just send him your affiliate link again, and tell him to use the payment link below the video to enroll in the course.

Once he purchases from your link, you’ve just made a sale! Congratulations!

You can repeat this with as many people as you like.

Method #2 – Status Update

This is another form of marketing on Whatsapp that is very effective.

Many people waste this space by attaching funny videos, quotes, and images.

However, starting today, as a marketer, this very space will become an ad space to sell products and services.

All you need to get results here is to make a beautiful image or video that shows how they can make money working online, and upload it on your Whatsapp Status.

For Example…

You can write something like this…

“Learn How to Make 250k Per Month Working Online During COVID-19! If you’re interested, message me to send you the FREE Video training”

You can create an image of the above message with Canva, and post it on your status. Something like this…

When people see this very message on your status, trust me, you’ll get lots of private messages of people who are asking you to send them the “Free Video Training”.

All you need to do at this point is just send them the free video training which they’ll watch till the end.

You can reply every interest this way…

“Please click the link below to watch the free video training to the end and then get back to me.

[Insert Your cloacked Affiliate Link Here]”

Once they watch it to the end, many of them will go ahead to make a purchase.

To continue getting more sales from your Whatsapp contacts, all you need to do is… Implement the rest 3 methods that I have NOT taught you yet.

That is…

  • Method #3. Distribution Lists

  • Method #4. Friends’ Network

  • Method #5. Using Dedicated Groups

These methods will show you how to grow your Whatsapp contacts, follow up with them with some very powerful marketing strategy and convert up to 15% or more of the people on your contact list to purchase from you.

Just as I said earlier, there’s a powerful CLOSED Group coaching class that I have prepared specially for you that will help you to start generating affiliate commissions in as little as 72 hours after you purchase it.

That coaching is in depth training on how to implement what I have taught you here on a deeper level. It’s called…

Instant Marketing with Whatsapp!

This is 2-weeks detailed coaching on how to use your WhatsApp application to make sales online without having any of the following…

  • A Laptop or a computer [Your Android phone is enough]

  • A website

  • An autoresponder

  • Your own products

  • Spending any money on any ads

Here’s what you’ll learn in the training…

  • The 5 powerful methods to use WhatsApp marketing to make at least 100k+ per month without your own product, website or spending a dime on ads.

  • 10 powerful Whatsapp scripts to use as follow ups to convert more

  • How to position your offer so that it’s tempting to your contacts

  • How to cloak your affiliate link, so that it is Whatsapp friendly

  • How to use Canva to create impressive and highly converting images for Whatsapp Updates

  • Revelation of hot converting products that sell very well on Whatsapp

  • Distribution lists, What they’re and how to do 6-figures with them

  • How to grow your Whatsapp contacts fast!

  • Daily things to do for 14 days to generate sales

Currently, there’s no sales page for this program. The reason is because; it’s a CLOSED Group Coaching. It is not available publicly yet.

It’s a special coaching for everyone who want to learn how to use Whatsapp marketing to quickly make 6 figures, and also replicate this method in other social media platforms without spending a dime on ads.

The price of the program is N35,000 only.

However, there’s a special COVID-19 discount for everyone who invest in this coaching between June 4th to 10th.

Pay N15,000 before June 10th

After June 10, the price increases


If you want to make at least 100k or more this very month, I’m advising you to get the Instant Marketing with Whatsapp Program today!

In fact, you could make 200k or more within the next 30 days.

Here’s my offer to you for a very limited time…

Order the Instant Marketing with Whatsapp Program today and you’ll also get the Bonuses below;

BONUS #1 – The Two HOTTEST Money Makers on Expertnaire Platform

  • I will give you the highest converting Make Money Online products on Expertnaire that sells like hot cakes

BONUS #2 – You’ll have Coaching Access to Joe Okoro [N100k Value]

  • For 30 days, you’ll have access to me if you need any review of any of your marketing funnels to make money online

  • If you don’t make money with this program, I will work with you till you make money within your first 30 days

The above is what you get free, if you order the Instant Marketing with Whatsapp today. This bonus will be available for a very short time, from June 4th to June 10th.

==> Click Here to Enrol Now to The Program

Any Guarantee?

Here’s my guarantee to you on this very program…

If you take up this Instant Marketing with Whatsapp Program, get my bonuses, and implement exactly what is inside the training.

I can guarantee you that you’ll make a minimum of 100k in 30 days. Many will do 200k or more in 30 days time.

In the unlikely event that you don’t make at least 100k within the next 30 days, I shall work with you closely until you make a minimum of 100k, and you can scale up from there using this method.

With this type of guarantee, you have nothing to lose.

The Instant Marketing with Whatsapp Program is only N35,000.

But you’re getting it for N15,000.

After June From 8am tomorrow morning, you’ll pay N15,000 for it.

Invest it, and you’ll make back your income this same month.

Just sell one affiliate product to just 1 person, and you get back your initial investment in this program. My training will show you not how to get just 1 sale, but 100 sales and above.

That’s it.

==> Click Here to Enrol Now.

Over to Prosper.

Guys you have to really invest in this stuff, you can see the potential already;

Even though I’ve been into affiliate marketing for some time now I’ll say this is one of the easiest ways to really make money online right here in Nigeria.

Imagine; just using your android phone and banking between 100k-200k every month.

Joe is someone I’ve known for a while now and he ditches out great stuff and am super sure you’re going to get results with this course.

In fact, I’ll personally be there to assist you even though it’s not my own product, to see that you get the desired results.

You’ll hardly find a Job here in Nigeria that’ll pay you 100k-200k a month, most jobs you see, highest you get paid 30k-40k which is not worth it at all.

So… you have what it takes already;

You have your phone ready (No even need for Laptop)

and most importantly, you’re not spending any money on Advert or whatever…

Just good internet connection and your smartphone with WhatsApp and Boom, you start this Business.

Personally myself I’ve earned over N400,000 on Expertnaire, promoting products as seen below even though I’m not really focusing on it due to some other projects.

expertnaire earning screenshot

Anyway guys, If you miss this program by Joe Okoro for any reason, then you have yourself to blame seriously.

You’re smart and when smart people come across opportunities like this they grab it.

So make the right decision and thank me later.

I’ll need your testimonies haha…

Go take action now!

==> Click Here Now to Enrol for the Program

That’s it.

This is how to make money on WhatsApp in Nigeria and bank N100k in 30 days or less.

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